TEF Test d’Evaluation de Français
Reasons to take the TEF
Created in 1998 by the French Language Centre of the CCI Paris Ile-de-France, the TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Français) is an international benchmark test that measures your level of knowledge and skills in French.
Based on your goals, you should take one of these TEF tests:
TEF — To study in France or in Canada; to certify your level of French for work
TEF IRN — To obtain French citizenship or resident card
TEF Canada — To immigrate to Canada or for Canadian citizenship
TEF Format
The goal of TEF is to evaluate the French skills of the candidate using a scale of 7 levels that range from 0+ level (basic skills) to level 6 (complete control).
A certificate of results, which is valid for one year, is issued for the applicant and shows the scores on each section of the test.
A candidate may take the test as many times as he/she wants, however, a two-month waiting period is required between two successive tests.
The format and sections vary depending on the version of TEF:
TEF for Studies in France or in Canada or for Work
Compulsory SectionTEF consists of 5 modular tests:
Listening Comprehension : 40 min – 60 items
Reading Comprehension : 60 min – 50 items
Vocabulary & Structures : 30 min – 40 items
Written Expression : 60 min – 2 topics to complete
Oral Expression : 15 min – 2 topics to complete
According to your goals and the formalities you need to complete, you can choose any or all of 5 tests listed above.
This test must be completed at a single session
TEF for French Nationality / Residency Card
The TEF IRN is intended for any foreign person over 16 years old wishing to validate their level of French to:
An application for French nationality
An application for a long-term resident card
Validation of level A1 as part of the OFFI citizen course
The TEF IRN is composed of 4 compulsory sections assessing skills in French as a general language (1 hour 15 min duration):
Listening comprehension: computer-based collective test – 20 multiple-choice questions (4 answer choices, one correct answer) – 15 minutes
Reading comprehension: computer-based collective test – 20 multiple-choice questions (4 answer choices, one correct answer) – 20 minutes
Written expression: computer-based collective test – 3 exercises – 30 minutes
Oral expression: individual face-to-face test with an examiner – 2 exercises – 10 minutes
The TEF IRN exclusively assesses language skills and not knowledge of French history, culture and society.
You must at least reach level A1 for each of the four sections to validate your citizen course.
You must obtain an A2 level for each of the four sections to validate your resident card application.
You must obtain a B1 level for each of the four sections to complete your nationality application.
This test is given at a testing center recognized by the France Education International such as the French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) in New York.
Le Français des Affaires delivers your certificate through the testing center such as FIAF. Your certificate of “TEF Integration, Residence and Nationality” is only valid to complete a request for the 3 goals listed above. You cannot use it for admission to a French university or to complete your request for emigration to Canada or Québec
TEF for Canada Immigration/Nationality (TEF Canada)
Compulsory Section for Canadian Nationality Listening Comprehension; Oral Expression;
The TEF Canada is a mandatory test in the context of economic immigration programs that require proof of language skills, at the request of Canadian Citizenship and Immigration to Canada.
The TEF Canada is also an essential proof of French language proficiency level to obtain Canadian citizenship.
For immigration to Canada, a candidate must take all of the 4 sections (2 hours 55 minutes):
Reading Comprehension (60 minutes) – 50 questions – 300 points
Listening Comprehension (40 minutes) – 60 questions – 360 points
Written Expression (60 minutes) – 2 topics – 450 points
Oral Expression (15 minutes per candidate) – 2 topics – 450 points
Hence results for the 4 skills listed above are expected by the Immigration Canada (CIC- Canadian Federal Government). The minimum level required is level 7 (level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages).
For Canadian citizenship, a candidate must take the below 2 sections (55 minutes):
Listening Comprehension (40 minutes) – 60 questions – 360 points
Oral Expression (15 minutes per candidate) – 2 topics – 450
TEF for Québec Immigration (TEFAQ)
Compulsory Section Listening Comprehension;Oral Expression;
Optional Section (main applicant) Reading Comprehension;Written Expression;